
We share ways you can give back to Sandwell

Giving back to Sandwell: why you should, why it’s good!

We know you have a company to run and employees to look after – and those things rightly take priority. But as Sandwell Business Ambassadors, we encourage Sandwell businesses to consider corporate giving. This can be with money, of course – such as donations or sponsorship. But it may be even more worthwhile to give ‘in kind’. For example, by offering your time and/or skills to help a cause.

Sandwell is home to more than 1,000 community organisations [source: Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations]. Across the borough are charities, voluntary groups, friends of parks, support organisations, sports clubs, societies, faith groups, youth clubs, music groups and more. The people who power these are usually giving their time for free.

Offering time, expertise or skills from your Sandwell business could be transformative for one of those groups. It may well benefit you and your team too, because:

Giving back to Sandwell: how

Let's Go Sandwell logoLet’s Go Sandwell is a great place to start. Hosted by SCVO, this website allows community groups and charities to post details of things they need help with. Then local businesses can respond by offering help. Whether you can dedicate half a day to gardening, offer ongoing digital support, or pledge a few hours each month to staff a helpline, there are volunteering opportunities to suit the ethos and available resources of every type of business.

For inspiration, take a look at the Let’s Go Sandwell website. Or email for more information.

Giving back to Sandwell: more opportunities

On our news page, we share ideas for giving back to Sandwell. Here are the current ones:

Learn more about our work as Sandwell Business Ambassadors.


The Ambassadors are a collective of business people in the Sandwell area with the aim of supporting the Sandwell Business Community.

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