
Our purpose

Sandwell Council launched the Sandwell Business Ambassadors programme in 2016 to combine the strengths (skills, experience and networks) of prominent businesspeople in the borough. Our purpose as Ambassadors is to: 

Support and represent Sandwell businesses, on issues that matter to our borough’s business community, with the aim of building inclusive economic growth that benefits every resident and business in Sandwell.

Being a Sandwell Business Ambassador is a voluntary role. We attend meetings and carry out Ambassador work in addition to our normal jobs and running our own organisations.

We hold high level positions in the borough, each of us with a different background and area of influence.

Something we all share: a passion to see Sandwell, and the wider Black Country, thrive.

Although we work closely with Sandwell Council – particularly the Business Growth Team – we are independent of the council. We set our own agenda. We have a modest editorial and social media budget (around ten hours per month), paid for by the council.

As Ambassadors we are promoting the concept of ‘doing business better’ (#DoingBusinessBetter). By encouraging responsible business practices we believe we can boost business success here in Sandwell, and help to raise up people and communities too.

It all needs to join up.

Read more about what we do.
See the charter that our Sandwell Business Ambassadors sign: