
Domestic abuse is a workplace issue: new resources to help

The workplace can be an invaluable lifeline for people experiencing domestic abuse. In September 2020 we shared advice on raising awareness of domestic abuse, supporting employees and work colleagues, and signposting people for further help. You can read our original story on domestic abuse here.

One key resource, ‘Domestic Abuse: toolkit for employers’, has recently been updated to include new case studies, initiatives and information on the recently passed Domestic Abuse Act.

Published by Business in the Community and Public Health England, the toolkit is sponsored by the Insurance Charities and supported by the Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA).

It recommends a ‘four Rs’ approach by employers:

1. Recognise

Help everyone in your company to recognise the most common signs of abuse, such as bruises, being withdrawn and not having control over personal finances. Training is available from companies such as Safe Lives and ManKind Initiative.

2. Respond

Put policies and procedures in place to confirm what happens if a member of the team discloses that they are being abused. Members of EIDA (it’s free to join) can download a template policy to adapt to their particular organisation.

3. Refer

It’s important to know where and how to refer people for help, information and support. The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a free 24-hour number supported by Women’s Aid and Refuge. It can be reached on 0808 2000 247. The toolkit also contains other sources of emergency and non-emergency sources of information, advice and help.

4. Record

Keep accurate details of everything that is said so that, if the police become involved, this can be used as evidence.

Download Domestic Abuse: a toolkit for employers from the Business in the Community website.


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