Have your say on green transport strategy
17th September 2020
Sandwell Business Ambassadors are urging businesspeople in the borough to take part in a consultation on the Black Country’s Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy.
The 15-minute survey has been put together by Black Country Transport, a strategic partnership between Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton councils. People’s responses will help shape the final policy document, which will set out steps towards reducing vehicle emissions and improving air quality in the region.
The UK government has proposed a nationwide ban on the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles in 2035, for public health and environmental reasons. The main aim of the Black Country strategy is to encourage more people to use ULEVs and prepare businesses in the region for the transition.
We support moves to improve air quality in Sandwell, and urge as many people as possible to contribute to the consultation. It is important that the final strategy document reflects the needs of local people and puts residents and businesses at the heart of its vision.
For more information, and to complete the questionnaire, go to the consultation website (https://consultation.wolverhampton.gov.uk/bct/bct-ulev-strategy-businesses/). The survey is open until Friday 2 October. Please spread the word throughout your business networks, to ensure everyone gets the chance to have their say.