‘Invest in our Planet’: Earth Day 2022 has a business theme
25th March 2022
Friday 22 April is Earth Day – an annual event first held in 1970 where people across the world demonstrate their support for environmental protection. The theme for 2022 is ‘Invest in our Planet’, emphasising the link between business and climate change.
Extreme weather, scarcity of resources and rising sea levels impact us all. Helping to combat climate change can be beneficial to business. Studies show a direct correlation between sustainable business practices, share prices and business performance. Companies that develop strong environmental standards have better profitability, happier employees and more resilient stock performance.
To help support businesses in our region become greener, EnTRESS at the University of Wolverhampton is organising a free event – ‘SME Responsibility in Reaching Zero Carbon’. From 8.30am to 1pm on Earth Day, the Springfield Campus will host a conference and exhibition, including talks, discussions, case studies, networking and tours of its new National Brownfield Institute. To register your place, go to the Eventbrite page.
For more information about Earth Day 2022, visit the official Earth Day website
Sandwell Council’s business platform Think Sandwell has a page of resources to help local businesses do better for the environment. To find out more about climate-related schemes, funds, events and ideas, visit the Going greener page.