Jan Denning
Founder and Managing Director of Destination Wolverhampton and The Black Country
“I am proud to be flying the flag for tourism and hospitality”.
Jan Denning is Founder and Managing Director of Destination Wolverhampton and The Black Country, working to attract more leisure and business visitors and resulting revenue for our region. Jan is also Owner and Director of The Hospitality Partnership, through which she channels 30+ years’ experience of the travel, tourism and hospitality sector to bring expert solutions to businesses in the industry.
“I launched Destination Wolverhampton and The Black Country in March 2018 with the recognition that there was very little focus on the tourism and hospitality industry in the Black Country. It’s a sector that I absolutely love and have been involved with throughout my working life. On a national scale, it contributes over £106 billion to the UK economy, so it should be a key focus here too.
“Passionate about making a difference, I am delighted to be part of the Sandwell Business Ambassadors. We are all about collaboration for a common goal, exploring opportunities from every sector to benefit Sandwell and the wider Black Country. I am proud to be flying the flag for tourism and hospitality here, and I particularly like Sandwell for its huge potential.”